A/C Pro® Vent and Duct Fogger

- Eliminates vent malodor
- Freshens car interior
- New car fragrance
- Professional strength formula
Product Description
A/C Pro® Vent and Duct Fogger helps to refresh your vehicle by eliminating a variety of odors in the HVAC system. This car freshener works on odors caused by mold and mildew, pets, food, and more, moving through the vents and interior cabin for a full clean. A/C Pro® car air freshener uses a special formula to treat vents, ductwork, the evaporator core and drain pan area. Simply activate the fogger in an unoccupied vehicle with the A/C and fan on high to distribute the car vent freshener. It removes light dirt from the ductwork and dirt and dust that sits on the vent surfaces, leaving behind a New Car fragrance. Nothing cools like A/C Pro®.
- A/C Pro® Vent and Duct Fogger
- Odor eliminator refreshes your vehicle
- Removes dirt from ductwork and dirt and dust on vent surfaces
- New Car scent leaves vehicle smelling fresh
- Odor eliminator works on smells from mold and mildew, pets, food and more
- Moves through car’s vents and interior cabin when activated in an unoccupied vehicle with A/C and fan on high for a full clean
Usage Directions
- Vehicle should be unoccupied. No person, pets or plants.
- For best results, remove any sources of unwanted odors.
- Park car outside in cool, shady location.
- Start the car and set air conditioning on HIGH fan. Turn on the interior recirculation feature and close all the windows.
- Active the fogger can with the nozzle facing away from you. Set fogger on center console or similar flat surface in the center of vehicle and close car door. Fogger will empty completely into the closed vehicle.
- Leave the car door closed for 15 minutes, with the A/C on to recirculate.
- Open all car doors, turn the car off and allow the car to air out for 5-10 minutes.