AC00095EN R-1234YF Super Seal

Product features
- Helps eliminate harmful moisture
- Repairs A/C leaks
- Seals Leaks
- Formulated for R-1234YF air con systems
- Gas regulation compliant
Product Description
AC Pro Super Seal 10 helps repair minor metal and rubber leaks in R-1234YF auto air-con systems. The formula contains chemicals that are activated by moisture to form a patch over the leak as the refrigerant passes through.
- Repairs metal leaks in the evaporator, condenser, compressor, accumulator, receiver/dryer
- Seals rubber leaks in O-ring, gasket, hoses
- Does not contain R-1234YF gas
Usage Directions
- Start engine and set the air conditioner to maximum cooling with system on re-circulate. Allow to run for 3 minutes. Ensure the air conditioner’s compressor is running and clutch is engaging. If not, use A/C PRO® R-1234YF recharge product and top up the system.
- Turn air conditioner & engine off.
- Turn the valve handle of the recharge hose counter-clockwise until the piercing stem is in the up position. Caution: do not add A/C PRO® Super Seal through a manifold gauge & hose set. Use only enclosed recharge hose.
- Carefully screw the top of the Super Seal can onto the end of the recharge hose with the valve hand. Please note: The can and hose use a reverse thread fitting, so you will be screwing it toward the left.
- Locate vehicle air conditioner low-side service port and remove protective dust cap. The low-side port is located on larger diameter aluminium tubing, between the evaporator and compressor. For further help use the port locator on this website for help finding the low-side port.
- With air conditioner switched off and whilst wearing goggles & cloth-lined gloves, pull back sleeve on coupler and attach by pressing onto low-side port. Coupler will only fit low-side port – do not force. Make sure fitting is tight. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CONNECT TO THE HIGH-SIDE PORT AS THE PRESSURE MAY CAUSE THE CAN TO BURST, RESULTING IN SERIOUS INJURY.
- Holding the can upright, turn the valve handle on the recharge hose clockwise all the way in. You will hear refrigerant moving from the vehicle’s A/C into the can.
- Wait 10 seconds and turn valve handle clockwise to close valve.
- Keeping the can connected, shake the can to allow refrigerant to mix with A/C PRO® Super Seal.
- Start engine and set air conditioning to maximum cooling with system on re-circulate.
- Holding the can in an upside-down position and above the service port, turn the valve counter-clockwise. Shake lightly until can is empty.
- Disconnect the recharge hose from the low-side service port. Turn the valve handle counter-clockwise on the hose until the pushing stem is in the up position. Unscrew can from hose and discard. Be careful of residual oil that may leak out of the hose. Discard can and hose in accordance with national regulations.
- To prevent A/C PRO® Super Seal from sealing the service port, immediately flush the charging port with A/C PRO® R-1234YF recharge product.
- Allow the air conditioning system to run for 15 minutes to let the Super Seal and refrigerant circulate.
AC Super Seal works to repair metal leaks and rubber leaks in your cars A/C system.
A/C seals typically take around 15 minutes to circulate through the system and seal any leaks.
One of the easiest ways to find a refrigerant leak in your a/c system is by conducting a dye test. During the test, a coloured dye is injected into the a/c system, if a leak is present this will be visible under ultra-violet light.